In 2015 Innovative Concessions accomplished a milestone in the evolution of our special events business and company operations when we traveled to California and Washington state to operate at several PGA Tour events and the US Open Championship. With our normal operations in Florida and Maine, we're proud to have provided our services to all "four corners" of the continental United States.
For over three decades, Innovative Concessions has been proud to serve millions of guests through our special events division and provided thousands of retail locations with our "fun foods" products through our wholesale distribution division across the United States.
Innovative Concessions is Currently Operating at:
7 regional Convention Centers
8 Sports and Entertainment Arenas/ Stadiums
2 Major League Baseball Stadiums
4 Minor League Baseball Stadiums
6 Collegiate/ Rookie/ Wooden Bat Ballparks
8 NCAA Arenas/ Stadiums
2 NFL Stadium
2 Major League Soccer Stadiums
13 to 15 PGA Golf tournaments annually
4 Amphitheaters
2 NASCAR Speedways
25 to 35 major special events annually
Innovative Concessions is Currently Distributing to:
3,471 Convivence Store, Grocery, Drug/Pharmacy and Specialty Retailers
232 Restaurants and Casual Dining Outlets
198 Amusement and Family Fun Centers
52 Movie and Entertainment Theaters
32 Food Service Stadiums, Arenas, Ballparks and Convention Centers
102 Recreational, Parks and Camp Facilities
29 Specialty Food Service Operators